First Aid at Work

DURATION: 3 days (1 day online, 2 days classroom)
Open Courses: £250 per person
In House: ££1000 (groups up to 6)
£1200 (groups up to 12)
plus £35 per head
Level 3 RQF certificates only
This course is ideal for all business types where the risk assessment requires a higher level of training as well as other area’s where a more comprehensive first aid course is required. The content meets the needs of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the new guidelines set out by the HSE in October 2013.

Max. 6 in a group

  Course content includes:
The roles and responsibilities of a First Aider
Assessing an incident
Recovery Position
Use of an AED (defibrillator)
Bleeding and Shock
Burns and Scalds
Minor Injuries
Secondary Survey
Bone, muscle and joint injuries
Head and spinal injuries
Chest and abdominal injuries
Eye injuries
Major illnesses (heart attack, stroke, epilepsy, asthma, diabetes)

Upon completion of this course, students will receive a Level 3 RQF certificate valid for 3 years.

Students can attend a 2 day requalification course as long as their FAW is within date (up to 28 days after is allowed).

The HSE strongly recommends that all First Aiders complete an annual refresher course to keep their skills up to date and in line with any changes in First Aid procedures.

Contact to enquire about our 3 hour annual refresher course.

We also offer an Equestrian First Aid at Work Course which is aimed at human first aid for anyone involved with horses where the First Aid at Work qualification is needed in addition to specific injuries involved when working with horses and a course tailored to equestrian subjects.